Sunday, November 18, 2007

Death, I scoff you

Last Saturday I went to Expo Park with my friends Pink and Ryan. Pink is a secretary at my school during the kindergarten hours, and a student at one of the universities in Daejeon. Ryan is an English teacher at my school. He's from Canada, but his whole family lives in the Philippines.

At first it was a little tricky because Pink isn't fluent in English, and the only Korean words I know consist of, thank you, hello, goodbye, my name is Elizabeth, missing, here, do you want to die (don't ask), and American, but by the end of the day we had reached a comfortable level where we could communicate. She is incredibly sweet, and I want to hang out with her more often. One thing, however, that's going to take a litte getting use to, is that in Korean culture friends are very affectionate with each other. The whole day Pink had her arms wrapped around me, snuggled close. I think Ryan was a bit jealous. It's not unusual to see women holding hands with other women, or men with their arms around other men. Yea, I'm all about embracing other cultures, but I don't know about literally embracing. I mean, we are talking about the queen of stiff, one armed hugs.

I think the highlight of the afternoon was when I rode the roller coaster that later I discovered at least two people have died on in the past year. Nice. I can now say I've cheated death.

Hey, look! I'm not the only alien in Korea. Ba dum ching.

When Pink and I saw this poster we started laughing hysterically. Ryan wasn't impressed. Guess those Canadians are a tough crowd.

This ferris wheel was crazy! To get on you had to wait for your cart, hurry and run while it was still moving, and then the workers locked you in.

#500 on my possible kidnapping list


Anonymous said...

you are becoming quite the little photographer. that music pic is just magical...

mynameistiana said...

Those pics are like postcards. Beautimous.

Rebecca Norris said...

I like how you labeled your post as "awkward touching"