Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sick and Narcoleptic

Once again, I am sick. It's inevitable, really. Especially when Evan tells me, "teacher, my throat is broken," and then continues to slobber on everything. Now my throat is broken too.

Being sick and picking up extra classes has spurred my exhaustion. I have no qualms about passing out anywhere if it means I can catch a few extra Zs. Not that I ever did. Tia and my old roomies will attest to this.

No matter where you are, some things never change, do they?

Me in canine form...except I don't bounce back so quickly

1 comment:

mynameistiana said...

Conversation between you and me upon finding you passed out, face down on the floor 3 feet from the bed:
me(in a panic): Sis!
you(sleepily): Whaaaaaat...?
me: Are you OK??? Why are you on the floor??
you: I was tiiiiiired